Tuesday, February 6, 2018

REPOST: Fly Eagles Fly

This is a repost from December of 2013!  It does not seem like I have been blogging that long.  If you follow the blog then you know I don't blog every week, sometimes not even every month.  The blog topics are  Holy Spirit inspired. God highlights something in my life and I share it.  As you will read that even includes football. Here is a new appropriate introduction:

On Sunday night, February 4, the Philadelphia Eagles won Superbowl #52 by defeating the New England Patriots, final score 41-33.  As my son Keenan so aptly put it this morning, "it was the best Superbowl ever!  I could not agree more. We hardly slept in this house on Sunday night. We are all nursing our voices because of how enthusiatically we cheered our home team.  Even days before, in our house, we were already singing, "We are the champions" (prophetically I might add).  The tremendous story of faith behind our Superbowl Champions can not be overstated.  It was so very encouraging to witness so many Eagles "being a witness" as they received the Lombardi trophy that night! Their journey is one that has resonated with the city of Philadelphia, the region, the nation and even the world. (Remember the "underdog" masks came from an Amazon vendor in China).  I am not deleting the original introduction to the post because it is part of the journey.  Hopefully, some of what I wrote then will still encourage you today.

 P.S.  In 2015, we self-published Kelbey Chronicles: Volume One A Prophetic Devotional. An adaptation of this post is found on page 47.  A scripture shared in the text is Psalm 37:7, "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him."  I will let the word of God speak for itself.

Congratulations to our Philadelphia Eagles, Superbowl #52 Champions.  We love you! Fly Eagles Fly.


On Sunday night, December 29, the Philadephia Eagles clinched the NFC East Championship by defeating the Dallas Cowboys, final score 24-22.  It was sweet bliss for Eagles fans to have their team win on the Cowboys turf.  Needless to say we bleed green at my house!  The game was exciting down to the last two minutes of play. The interception by Eagles cornerback Brandon Boykin sealed the Philadelphia win!  Almost immediately, Facebook was bombarded with posts by Eagles fans some of which included the team fight song...Fly Eagles Fly! It was sweet, truly! My husband was so pumped he couldn't go to sleep and who really wanted to sleep...a win like that you savor right! E...A...G...L...E...S! Go Eagles!

Well, not much happens in my life, not even football, without some spiritual contemplation.  Earlier, that day I had received a YouTube email alerting me that one of my favorite worship teams had posted a new video.  The title of the video..."Those Who Wait On the Lord".  Those of you familiar with scripture will know that this verse speaks about eagles mounting up! Apropo right!

Isaiah 40:31 KJV

"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint."

Isaiah 40:31 Amplified

"But those who wait for the Lord (who expect, look for, and hope in Him ) shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up (close to God) as eagles (mount up to the sun); they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired."

The worship video ushered me right into the Presence of the Lord. It wasn't one of those short video clips either...almost 30 minutes.  It had a segment where the worshippers waited as Isaiah 40:31 declares. Powerful!  After all the excitement of the game, this was the perfect ending to an amazing night.  As the worship went forth, if you entered in, you began to feel the ascension.  The mounting up...the mounting up comes after the waiting...the stillness...the reverent worship of the Most High God.

Mount Up: Strong's #H5927 alah (aw-law)- to go up, ascend, climb, to meet, visit, follow, depart, withdraw retreat, to spring up, grow, shoot forth, to go up, go up over, rise, TO COME UP BEFORE GOD (my emphasis added), to excel and be superior.

Eagles are majestic creatures and have strong symbolic meaning in scripture.  Eagles, both bald and golden, are among the largest birds in world and symbolize wisdom, strength, bravery and courage.  Time does not permit me to expound on eagles in scripture but a biblical study will surely bless anyone seeking revelation.  The instinctual characteristic of the eagle to "mount up" is powerfully symbolic in Isaiah 40:31.  When we choose to wait (Strong's #H6960 wait, look, for, hope for, linger for) the Presence of Lord we can expect to be changed, renewed and strengthened.  We will mount up and draw near to God and He will draw near to us.  We will ascend into His Presence and dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High.  Communion. Fellowship. Koinonia (Strong's #G2842).  This is time well spent which results in running and walking out our faith without becoming weary, faint and tired.  This is our true spiritual inheritance, the sweet communion and fellowship with our Father. We have free access to pure Love because of the full redemption of Our Christ.

This upcoming year, I am expecting to "wait upon the Lord" and "mount up".  In a previous post I shared briefly about a powerful teaching regarding the Jewish New Year 5774 by Melissa Flores. (http://definingwords.com/2013/09/30/the-word-on-ayin-dalet/).  The Year 5774 is  Ayin Dalet.  Ayin refers to "eye" and "fountain". (check out earlier posts) Our prophetic perception will be important in this season. In scripture, eagles are symbolic of prophetic insight.  Dalet refers to "door" and can also mean "movement".  Doors in scripture often refer to spiritual movement and opportunity. (It is now the Hebraic year, 5778, which still speaks of ayin 70"eye" but also chet 8"new beginnings and gates").

I expect the New Year of 2014 to be a year of entering into "Fullness".  I earnestly believe God desires us to experience the fullness of His Kingdom.  In John 10:9, Jesus told us that He is the door.  We will enter into the fullness of God's destiny for our lives through Christ Jesus, Our forerunner.  We will "mount up" and ascend in communion and fellowship with the Father as we wait upon the Lord and enter into His Rest.  Jesus bids us all to COME. He gives the invitation. The invitation is for whosoever will.  We will choose to wait, to rest, to mount up, to walk and to run!  Let's not neglect this GREAT SALVATION! LET'S FLY...EAGLES...FLY!!!

VIDEO EXTRA: Animal lovers and activists PLEASE DO NOT BASH MY BLOG.  This eagle flying doesn't seem to be abused and I thought it was simply cool! Fly Eagles Fly .
Here is another YouTube link if your conscious allows you to view it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3QrhdfLCO8

WORSHIP VIDEO:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3qojwQywrk Bethel Church: Jeremy Riddle "Those Who Wait on The Lord".

LAST THOUGHT: Interesting webpage about eagles and the molting process...

(Remember this post is from 2013, but I encourage you to receive this blessing for 2018).

This New Year, 2014, may you be filled with the fullness of God (Eph. 3:19). May the Kingdom of God, His righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit be your reality (Romans 14:17). May grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus Our Lord. (2 Peter 1:2).

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